Your search for Child Health

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Health Visiting Service

Health Visiting
Service Description:
The health visiting team work with parents and carers who have children under five providing advice and support with: feeding, behaviour, toilet training, sleep issues, minor illness, accident prevention, parenting skills, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, alcohol, drugs and smoking, mental health, safeguarding, nutrition, active play and obesity, immunisation, personal, social and emotional development, speech, language and communication and all other aspects of health and childcare.

We also offer post-natal depression support, breastfeeding support groups, child health drop-in clinics, parenting support, advice and support at home and workshops on sleep, weaning, minor ailments and maintaining a healthy diet.
020 8770 5409
No information available.

School Nursing Service

School Nurses
Service Description:
School Nurses are registered nurses who have professional experience in supporting the health needs of all school aged children. They work as part of a skill mix team of specialist practitioners, school staff nurses, nursery nurses and support workers.

The school nursing team provides advice and support on areas such as: parenting, children with special needs and complex needs, sleep and behaviour, allergies and asthma, development, eating problems, alcohol, drugs and smoking, emotional and mental health issues, sexual health and relationships. We also offer the national child measurement programme, PSHE in schools, enuresis clinics, safeguarding, healthy lifestyles programme and confidential health advice. We can also refer and signpost to other specialists if appropriate. We can see you at home, in school or at clinics in the borough.
020 8770 5409
No information available.
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