Where to go if you need more help with childcare or childcare funding

Please find information below on where to go if you need more help. If you are still not sure, please contact the Sutton Family Information Service on 020 8770 6000 and we will help you get to the right person or team. 

I need help finding a suitable childcare place

You can search our online childcare directory for a list of providers in the London Borough of Sutton or alternatively, you can contact us via telephone: 020 8770 6000, email: familyinfo@sutton.gov.uk or using our online enquiry form (linked at the bottom of the page).

I need help with my entitlement funding or tax free childcare application

If you have a question regarding your application for either the early education and childcare entitlement funding or the tax free childcare scheme please contact the Childcare Helpline on 0300 123 4097.

I have a question about how my childcare provider is delivering the funding

If you have a question or query about how a Sutton childcare provider is delivering or offering the funding, in the first instance, you should discuss this directly with the childcare provider. 

If you are unsatisfied with the response you receive from your childcare provider and you still have a concern, then please complete the Early Education and Childcare Entitlement Funding Parent Query Form (linked at the bottom of the page) and send any supporting documents to familyinfo@sutton.gov.uk 

This will then be reviewed by the Childcare and Sufficiency Team and a member of staff will provide you with an initial response within two working days. 

I have a safeguarding concern

If you have a safeguarding concern with the quality of your childcare provision then please contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231.

If you have a safeguarding concern about the conduct of a member of staff or volunteer then please contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on 020 8770 4776.

If you have a safeguarding concern regarding a child or family then please contact the Sutton First Contact Service on 020 8770 6001. If you are worried that a child or young person is in immediate danger, call 999.