Wraparound Childcare

Wraparound childcare (also known as out of school clubs) provide care for school aged children outside of normal school hours.

This includes:

  • Breakfast clubs
  • After school clubs
  • Holiday clubs

Breakfast clubs

Breakfast clubs run before school. Parents/carers drop children off at the club and staff take the children to school. Many breakfast clubs will offer breakfast and children can participate in a range of activities. 

After school clubs

Holiday clubs operate during the school holidays. Many offer play opportunities, sports activities and trips out as well as quiet places for children to relax. Wraparound childcare can be run by the Council, schools, private companies or voluntary organisations. 

Wraparound childcare registration

If the club is open to children aged eight and under, offers more than two hours of care and is not just activity based (such as a sports club), it will be registered with Ofsted.This means that the club will be checked to ensure that staff are appropriately trained and qualified and that the premises are suitable and safe.

Some clubs will come under the school registration if on school premises and run by the school. 

Paying for Wraparound childcare

Fees will vary and depend on the number of days your child attends.

Registered wraparound childcare can be registered for the Tax Free Childcare scheme and families qualifying for Universal Credit and Working Tax Credits may also be able to claim help with childcare costs.