
Most pre-schools offer either a morning or afternoon session, although some may offer a lunch club or wraparound care between the two sessions. Pre-schools are open during term time only.

Pre-schools must follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which are the standards that school and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old. 

Pre-school registration

Pre-schools are registered with and inspected by Ofsted. This means that the pre-school will be inspected to ensure that staff are appropriately trained and qualified and that the premises are suitable and safe.

Ofsted registration requirements will specify the number of children that are allowed to be on the premises at any time and the ratio of staff to children. The minimum ratios are:

  • Children aged 2-3 years - 1 adult to every 4 children
  • Children aged 3-5 years - 1 adult to every 8 children

Paying for a pre-school

Pre-school fees will vary and will depend on the number of days/sessions that your child attends.

Pre-schools can be registered to offer the Early Education and Childcare Entitlement Funding and the Tax Free Childcare scheme. Families qualifying for Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit may also be able to claim help with childcare costs.

When to apply for a pre-school

Many pre-schools may have waiting lists for places so we would advise you to contact the pre-school directly to register. Please note, registering with a pre-school does not guarantee you a place so you may want to consider registering with more than one.