Visiting Childcare Providers

You will be the best judge of what is right for your child. However, this list may guide you on points to look for and what to ask when visiting a childcare provider for the first time. 

If you would like a hard copy version of these questions to take to a provider with you, please follow the link at the bottom of the page. 

Questions to consider when visiting ANY provider:

  1. Are you and your child made to feel welcome?
  2. Do the children present look happy and involved in what they are doing?
  3. Do the activities look interesting and inviting and are there daily opportunities for outdoor play?
  4. Are there lots of toys, books and play equipment?
  5. Are the children able to move freely between activities and are they able to make their own choices?
  6. Are different cultures positively represented in the toys, books and displays?
  7. Are girls and boys encouraged to take part in all activities?
  8. Ask to see their registration and insurance certificates.
  9. What will be the cost of childcare, what is included and how often do you pay?
  10. Is there a waiting list? If so, when will you be informed of a start date?
  11. How will they meet any special needs your child may have? Think about equipment, access, skills, experience and training of staff.
  12. Are the premises clean, well kept and safe for children?
  13. What is the settling in process?

Childminder specific:

  1. Does the childminder share your views on learning and behaviour for your child?
  2. What happens if the childminder is sick/on holiday?
  3. Will you be given the opportunity to meet with the childminder to talk about your child and how they will share any records kept about your child with you?

Day nurseries and Pre-school specific:

  1. Will your child have a key worker?
  2. Will you be given the opportunity to meet with staff to talk about your child and how they will share any records kept about your child with you?

Nanny specific:

  1. What qualifications and experience do they have?
  2. Are there references to look at and contact details for the references?
  3. Do they have a DBS check?
  4. What activities and projects will they do with your child/children?
  5. Are they a smoker?
  6. What methods of discipline do they use?
  7. Can they cook?
  8. Can they drive and if yes, do they have a clean license?
  9. Do they have a first aid certificate?
  10. Ask a couple of scenario questions - what would you do if...?

General points to consider -

  • If the children are at the interview, how well do they interact with them?
  • What duties will you want the nanny to do?
  • Do you require the nanny to be able to swim?
  • What hobbies and interests does the nanny have? For example, do they play a musical instrument?
  • Do they have any children of their own?
  • Will they be willing to babysit if necessary?